Friday 6 May 2011

Vacuum Forming

In preparation of making my packaging for the jewellery i have vacuum formed the bases of my acrylic pieces so they will then fit neatly into the boxes without moving around. I had to form the shapes before gluing the pieces together as otherwise they would have had the detail from the different layers which would prevent it from lying flat. The ring piece is too protruding so would pierce through the plastic so i need to think of a different way of packaging this. The buckets would also be a problem as i would like only half a bucket vacuum formed otherwise the whole thing will be moulded around meaning i cannot get it out again! I could get around this by lying it top down rather than on the side but this would again be difficult. I would also need to consider how to leave a vacuum bubble for the textile necklaces to sit slightly above the bucket. To get around these problems i will vacuum form just a circle base for the bucket to sit in.

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