Wednesday 27 April 2011

Photoshoot edits

I want the pictures to have a kind of washed out, romantic, vintage feel about them inspired by the 60's/70's nature of the prints and cut of the dress - whilst the model and simple styling keep the look contemporary. I have begun to experiment with this adding coloured layers in Photoshop and changing the opacity. The most successful is the yellowy hue second down but in other scenarios different colour edits have been better than others. It is important that the lighting and colour of the images is consistent to ensure they look like a collection of professional images so this is something i will keep working on. 

Editing the pictures above made me realise the importance of which colour and how much saturation i use. The bottom image was layered with a blue layers and the saturation reduced which gives it a much cooler, wintery feel than the top one. As this is the spring/summer collection i want to get across a hazy, warm, summery feel.

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