Saturday 5 March 2011


My print samples arrived from Fadpad yesterday and have turned out really well despite some problems sending (the recommended dpi is 254 but mine were 70 so uploaded in lightening fast time but are fine so will bare that in mind when i send off for my final ones!). When i printed some out on paper some of the colours were a lot stronger than on the computer but all the samples have come out as i expected. While i understand that fabric research and sampling is really important in the design process, due to cost implications i could only test my prints on one fabric so have used a crepe de chine on recommendation of my tutors. This is one area in which i therefore think my work will be lacking but as the dresses are being made to showcase my print designs/embroidery and not my construction skills i am hoping to make up for this in my print development which is my specialist area. From here i will try out some of the textile techniques i have begun and practice some seams to get a feel for working with such a delicate fabric. 

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