Tuesday 8 March 2011

Gemma Booth

gemma booth evasee 10

All the images here are shot by UK photographer Gemma Booth who describes her work as 'playful and feminine' - 2 things i want to capture as they are central to my design philosophy to create dresses which are not too serious and designed to have fun in! I am planning a photoshoot for over Easter and although my final products are not finalised it is important to get thinking about what i want to achieve so i am not rushing at the last minute! Ideally i want to shoot in a field or at the beach back home in Devon and had images of my model stood in a vast open space - eg in long grass or with the sea behind - so the dresses and accessories are the realy focus but Gemma's work has lead me to think about relevant props. These could be a picnic basket, deckchair, parasole, beach ball for example, all things which fit in with the Beach to BBQ context. Maybe even my puppy! The pictures are all really light and airy which gives off the feel of long summer days which was the starting point for my whole concept so seems fitting.

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