Wednesday 23 March 2011

Stage Review

Following my stage review it has been decided i will submit 3 dresses all of the same shape and 3 simple t-shirts. I am really relieved about this as i have spent a lot of time worrying about the construction of the dresses and not getting very far. It was frustrating as at the end of the day i want my work to be judge on the print aesthetic rather than technical construction. It was also suggested to use the help of one of the technicians at uni as she will be able to produce the garments much quicker than i can!

I will also be submitting 6 textile pieces of jewellery (perhaps 3 necklaces and 3 headbands?) and 6 plastic pieces using the laser cutter (3 rings and 3 necklaces?).

I need to really consider the packaging for these so will develop this in keeping with my prints, perhaps embossing printed swing tags with an outline of the print and laser cutting my brand name out. These could also be used for business cards...

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