Thursday 31 March 2011

Laser Cutting 2

Today i went back to the laser cutter to create smaller shapes for my rings and also experiment with some necklaces. The acrylic i ordered did not arrive in time so i have cut out a sheet of clear to use which hopefully i will be able to spray paint. If this works effectively i will buy a sheet of this as it is cheaper than individual sheets of colour. It will also be quicker to use one big sheet on the laser cutter as it wastes time setting up each time again when the material is changed. Because the necklaces are so intricate and some of the joins are thin i created a solid backdrop for one so if it broke i could still stick the pieces onto here however it all cut well so i might not need this piece. After discussing my ideas with my course leader i will try and combine these pieces with the textile ones already developed for a unique final product.

While booked into the laser cutter i decided to have a go recreating the shapes i have used for my textile flowers as they are really time consuming to make. I had hoped the heat from the laser would curl the edges to save me heating them with a candle but instead it melted the fabric and stuck the layers together. One benefit is that it does make the shapes more accurate than when cut by hand but doing them myself adds to the organic nature of the shapes and stops them looking too uniform. 

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