Thursday, 17 February 2011

Cross stitch how to!

I found a tutorial for how to achieve a cross stitch effect on Illustrtor and thought it would be particularly appropriate as i am exploring textiles.
  1. Create a cross on Illustrator using the line tool whilst holding down the shift key to ensure it is at 45 degrees.
  2. Copy and paste the cross in lines to create a grid .
  3. Create a new layer and place this underneath the grid.
  4. File > Place insert the picture you want to stitch.
  5. Decrease the opacity of the grid so you can clearly see the design underneath.
  6. Select and colour each cross accordingly.
  7. When finished, select one of the un-colouured crosses and using the selection tool select to highlight all others of the same stroke and weight.
Although i love the effect of this, due to the delicate nature of it the colours don't translate very well and you can't really distinguish them. Having said this i think this might come across better on fabric so i will send it off as one of my samples to see if it is clear.

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