Thursday 24 February 2011


I've been experimenting with different types of embroidery to be used on my final collection - around the neckline, hem on dresses/sleeves, all over...The second example down i created on my domestic machine rather than using an embroidery machine and although using one of these would be neater, i liked the freedom of developing the colours as i go along and the piece evolves. Unfortunatly it puckered all the way around, despite using interfacing, but i have since cut it out and it is fine so i could then stitch this half on/half off the hem for an interseting look. By doing this it also saves the reverse of the garments being messy from the back of the stitching (although this could perhaps be covered with a facing if on the neckline?). Today i finally sent my samples off to fabpad to be printed on crepe de chine which i think would be far too delicate to machine embroider (obviously i'll give it a go on the samples though!) so instead i looked at hand techniques - second from bottom - and i'm really pleased how they have come out! They are much neater than i anticipated and it allows me more control over what i am doing whilst continuing the handmade feel i want to capture without being too messy.

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