Wednesday 9 February 2011

Parasol Mag

The prints above are by Parasol, an online magazine and design company focusing on patterned textiles and paper goods. They post projects on their blog every week which is a really good way to involve the customer in the brand and the projects are pretty simple (eg this weeks was a simple canvas bag construction) so are accessible for everyone. I love the way the prints on the evnelopes compliment each other whilst being different at the same time. Although i keep saying how i want the look on the reverse of my garments to be totally different, if they are still similar (eg in colour palette) then they will be most effective as the wearer can keep the same accessories on to take it to a different context. If a really delicate pastel palette was paired with a really bold bright one then bags/tights/cardigans etc worn with it may not be appropriate for the reverse.

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