Thursday 13 January 2011

Inital prints continued

Inspired by Orla Kiely i have developed my inital prints in particular adding patterns in the background to give a quirkier effect. So far all my work has a regular repeat to it so this is something i will play around with to see what results i can achieve when the repeat is more random and less structured. I particularly like the second one down as although it is quite over powering i think the colours work well together to give a really retro feel. I think the prints would work best on simple t-shirt dresses as they could look too much on a really complicated garment. Alternativly they could feature just on a pocket or collar detail. On the last print i have used one of the shapes out of the big flower as a background which works well as it breaks up the plain backdrop whilst still being subtle. I'm going to experiment further with just the block shapes to provide really clean graphic prints which could be on the reverse of a really heavily patterned dress.

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