Tuesday 18 January 2011

Scarf on the stand

I found this really sweet floral scarf in Zara for £2.99 and decided to experiment with it on my stand to see what kind of results i could achieve. I keep mentioning how i want to keep the construction really really simple as i am terrible at constructing clothes but i think some of the shapes created on the stand could be really difficult to re-create! I am really pleased with them, especially 8, 10, 11 and the neckline on 8. I could see them being developed into really exciting dresses and playsuits and don't want to discontinue these ideas because of my making skills so i might look at the possibility of someone else making them for me. I think designing is one of my strong points but i am always let down by my lack of patience when it comes to making so this way i can ensure my designs look how they are intended to! Although i will still look at simple shapes as i have said before that the print will be the statement but i think the more complicated examples above work well having a busy print as it twists and folds giving a really interesting effect.

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