Thursday 27 January 2011

Simple daisy repeats

Although i want a really ecclectic mix of print and embroidery in my final garments, i think some of the prints i have created have been too bold and overpowering to then be embroidered. This isn't to say i won't use these as i could have them on one side and a more toned down or even plain fabric on the reverse which has been embelished. I have made the really simple, clean patterns above as i think they will really showcase the embroidered shapes without being too much. I can see these kind of prints being much more wearable for the kind of market i am aiming for. At the moment i am just churning out lots of abstract designs which don't necessarily have an obvious link to one another (other than the floral, graphic aesthetic). From here i will approach the kind of women i want to wear my designs and see what the think and which they would wear before i then use the results to develop a final collection of prints. It is really important that i do this as there is no point going ahead and designing prints which i would wear if the women i am aiming at will not be interested.

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