Saturday 15 January 2011

Paintstroke prints

I mentioned in previous posts about wanting a more handmade look about my work so i have been doing lots of drawing in my sketchbook but i thought it would also be interesting to see what kind of sketchy effects i could achieve digitally. I rearranged one of my inital designs to create a new repeat composition (more random this time which i think makes it flow better rather than being too structured) and applied a paintbrush effect to the lines. I then added some simple shapes taken from the flowers in the background and altered the size and transparency so they were not too overpowering. The second example was achieved using the 'palette knife' filter on Photoshop and adjusting the sharpness and the hue of the image but i am not keen on this or the first! Lastly i used the paint bucket tool to fill in random sections and i accidently filled too much of the background but i love how it has turned out. This has made me realise the importance of really devloping my work as i didn't like the inital print and wasn't goint to take it any further but i now love the end result. Sometimes the best examples happen by accident so i need to experiment as much as possible to achieve the best results.

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